The Dutch way of teaching
Dutch education focuses on teamwork, which makes it easy to meet other international students.
For a large part of your studies you will be working in groups to analyse and solve specific problems. You will also get a chance to get practical work experience through internships or do experiments in laboratories, depending on the field of study.
Interaction in class
Interaction in class is highly appreciated. You are expected to think about the knowledge that is presented to you and develop and express your own opinion. You are free to ask questions and be critical of what lecturers or fellow students say. Use your own creativity to apply your newly-gained knowledge.
Respect for all opinions
The Dutch teaching method is founded on respect for each individual’s opinions and convictions. This mindset is not limited to education institutions, it is a national characteristic. It is the foundation for Holland’s diverse and plural society.
Studying in the Netherlands means developing an open mind and increasing your international orientation.
"Here in Dutch universities, once you're in, you get to decide where to go and what you want to be."