Program Image Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical Sciences


University of Groningen mapmarker icon Groningen Research university
Institution Logo University of Groningen

What causes disease? What is the genetic or epigenetic background of disorders? How do microorganisms in the intestine contribute to health and disease? What are the underlying mechanisms of diseases and what novel strategies can we design to cure disease?
During the selective Master's degree programme in Biomedical Sciences you will be trained to find answers to these questions. The programme is strongly oriented towards the scientific background of health, disease and preclinical research. You will encounter an interdisciplinary environment of basic scientific research at the faculty of science and engineering and a more medically oriented environment at the University Medical Center.We offer tracks related to the biology of cancer and the immune system, the biology of food and nutrition, the biology of healthy ageing and disease, and neuroscience. We also offer the unique option of creating a custom-made biomedical science programme that matches your ambitions. This could be a programme dedicated to virology and microbiology, to regenerative medicine, to genetics or big data science as well as to many other fields in which the University of Groningen occupies a leading global position.For those who have the ambition to go into industry or policy making, to become a consultant or to pursue a biomedical career in any other field NOT related to research, we offer the Sci




Master of Science


2 years

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601

€ 24,900

€ 20,500


Application requirements

A University Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences or related field focusing on knowledge and skills at the interface of integrative physiology and behaviour, neurobiology, molecular and cellular biology and medical sciences. Information about admission possibilities and requirements for students from a Dutch HBO institute is published on:

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
€ 24,900
€ 20,500
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 May '25 1 May '25
1 Sep '26 1 May '26 1 May '26
1 Sep '27 1 May '27 1 May '27


You can check if you're eligible for scholarships that apply to this course.

StuNed Scholarship Programme

StuNed Scholarships for master studies, short courses and customised training programmes are available for Indonesian professionals with at least 2 years' work experience in a development-related organisation.


University of Groningen

Main address
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen
050 363 9011

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University of Groningen institution image
University of Groningen institution image