Program Image Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering


Eindhoven University of Technology mapmarker icon Eindhoven Research university
Institution Logo Eindhoven University of Technology

In the program Chemical Engineering at TU/e, you are trained as a chemical engineer, specializing in innovative solutions for global challenges in sustainability, energy, and health. The program integrates cutting-edge research with practical applications, equipping you to tackle societal and technological issues with expertise in areas like organic and supramolecular chemistry, catalysis, process engineering, and materials science. You will explore topics such as creating sustainable materials, developing cleaner energy technologies, and driving medical innovations. The program offers two tracks: Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry and Chemical and Process Technology, allowing you to tailor your studies to your interests and career ambitions. The close integration of education and research ensures that the program is rooted in the latest insights from internationally renowned research groups and institutes at TU/e. As a Master's student, you actively participate in research activities, benefiting from TU/e's strong international reputation. This combination of practical experience and scientific advancement prepares you for a future at the forefront of chemical engineering.

Chemical engineering plays an important role to solve many societal, economical, social and ethical problems. For example the development of new sorts of energy, new materials and new molecules.




Master of Science


2 years

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601


Application requirements

For students wishing to participate in the selection procedure for TU/e Amandus H. Lundqvist Scholarship Program (ALSP), the deadline for application to a Master's program is 1st of February of each year.

Language requirements

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
IELTS overall band
TOEFL internet based

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
Information not available
Information not available
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 May '25 1 May '25
1 Feb '26 1 Nov '25 -
1 Sep '26 1 May '26 1 May '26


You can check if you're eligible for scholarships that apply to this course.

NL Scholarship

The NL Scholarship is meant for international students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelor’s or master’s in the Netherlands.

StuNed Scholarship Programme

StuNed Scholarships for master studies, short courses and customised training programmes are available for Indonesian professionals with at least 2 years' work experience in a development-related organisation.


Eindhoven University of Technology

Main address
Den Dolech 2
5612 AZ Eindhoven
040 - 2479111

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Eindhoven University of Technology institution image