Program Image Computing Science

Computing Science


University of Groningen mapmarker icon Groningen Research university
Institution Logo University of Groningen

How can we develop secure and robust software? How can we teach computers to see? How can we make our software easily adaptable to new tasks? How do we improve learning by computers? If these questions fascinate you, you should choose the Master's degree programme in Computing Science at Groningen, which deals with both the theoretical and practical aspects of computing.
If these questions fascinate you, you should choose the Master’s degree programme in Computing Science at Groningen, which deals with both the theoretical and practical aspects of computing.You will develop and expand your in-depth knowledge within the areas of AI Engineering, Machine Learning and Visual Computing (MLVC), or Software Engineering and Distributed Systems. All our courses offer insightful lectures covering both theory and practice. As well as the acquisition of core computing science skills, the programme also focuses on mathematics and research methodology, while research and presentation skills are developed in student colloquia. Project management and related topics are offered for those aiming to go into business rather than academia. You will make active use of all the skills you acquire in research projects, either within the university or during business and industrial internships.Because computing science is pivotal in many areas of research, students can easily participate in one o




Master of Science


2 years

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601

€ 24,900

€ 20,500


Application requirements

A universitary Bachelor's degree in Computing Science. Information about admission possibilities and requirements for students from a Dutch HBO institute is published on:

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
€ 24,900
€ 20,500
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 May '25 1 May '25
1 Sep '26 1 May '26 1 May '26
1 Sep '27 1 May '27 1 May '27


You can check if you're eligible for scholarships that apply to this course.

StuNed Scholarship Programme

StuNed Scholarships for master studies, short courses and customised training programmes are available for Indonesian professionals with at least 2 years' work experience in a development-related organisation.


University of Groningen

Main address
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen
050 363 9011

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