Program Image Contextual Design

Contextual Design


Design Academy Eindhoven mapmarker icon Eindhoven University of applied sciences
Institution Logo Design Academy Eindhoven

Throughout the two-year course the Contextual Design Master aims to increase the students’ awareness of how each designed object, and each designed strategy, is a node in a network of relationships with other people, things, and contexts. To underscore the personal responsibility of the designer we speak of authorship, which is not taken in its narrow interpretation of personal ‘stardom’ or ‘signature design’, both of which are embraced by the market as seduction strategies, but the truer conception of authorship as accepting ‘ownership’ and working from genuine commitment. Authorship implies the designer takes personal responsibility for all implicit meanings of a design, as well as the implications and consequences it carries.

One of the main aims of the Contextual Design Master is to cultivate the power of the imagination and narrative. No matter how tight a space we are in, it is through the power of imagination that we can create a space, a context, in which we can relate to not only ourselves but also to others. We ask our current and prospective students to imagine that they are boundless, as if they are free, even when constrained. The artistic talents and experiences of students are the fertile starting points for observing, researching and arriving at this space of freedom from which to question the world with their own design ethos and personal commitment.






2 years

ECTS credits


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Tuition fee

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Application requirements

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Tuition fees  
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Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 31 Mar '25 31 Mar '25


(link is external) Design Academy Eindhoven

Main address
Emmasingel 14
5611 AZ Eindhoven
040 - 2393939

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Design Academy Eindhoven institution image