
An average room in the Netherlands costs somewhere between € 450 and € 1000 a month. The costs depend on the city where you study, what is included in the rent and the arrangements made by the institution. Housing in Amsterdam, for example, is more expensive than in smaller towns such as Enschede.

You can find more information about accommodation in our section on housing.


Most higher education institutions offer hot meals at reasonable prices. All cities have pubs (called eetcafés) where you can get a good meal at a good price. In the bigger cities you will find lots of foreign restaurants. But the cheapest way to eat is to do your own cooking.

Some average prices:

  • a cup of coffee/tea in a café: € 3.00
  • a cheese sandwich: € 4.00
  • dinner in a typical student restaurant: € 12.50


You can get around town easily on a bike. This is not only typically Dutch but also a cheap means of transportation. Bus tickets cost around € 2 for a single fare in the city. You can buy a 40% discount card for train tickets for travelling outside rush hour. Visit the (link is external)website of the Dutch railways for more information.

Student discounts

Many bars, restaurants, museums and cinemas give student discounts. Most of these ask for proof in the form of a student card from your institution.

The (link is external)International Student Identity Card (ISIC) can give you discounts on travel, shopping and museums. It is valid worldwide.

General overview of average costs for students in the Netherlands

Please find below a monthly cost overview to take into account when planning to study in the Netherlands:

  • Rent: € 561
  • Groceries: € 138
  • Study books and materials: € 53
  • Transportation: € 79
  • Leisure: € 228
  • Basic Dutch health insurance: € 134

(source: (link is external)Nibud, 2024)