Check the institution’s website

After you've found your programme of choice in the Studyfinder, check the institution’s website pages for the programme to find information on the application process. Note that some programmes have a selection procedure and an application deadline of 15 January.

For most programmes you first need to register via the Studielink tool.

Studielink is the official registration and application portal for programmes at Dutch higher education institutions.

Please note: you should first check with the institution of your choice whether you are required to register via Studielink. Some institutions use a different method to register students from abroad!

If you need help creating a Studielink account, adding your previous education and submitting an application, you can visit the Studielink website. It shows you step-by-step instructions for the enrolment process, in both text and screen shots.

There is also a Studielink Q&A with answers to the most frequently asked questions on using the system. If you cannot find your answer, you can contact the institution where you want to study for further assistance (even if you haven't applied yet).

Application deadlines

Please note the following application deadlines:

  • 15 January for a numerus fixus programme
  • 1 May for all other study programmes.

These are general deadlines, always check the exact deadline with the institution of your choice, as it may vary per institution and study programme.

Student story

"Before you start the application process, do a preliminary search on various programmes and institutions that align with your academic background and career goal."
Chiadi, student from Nigeria
Read the full story

Numerus fixus programmes

For some study programmes the education institution has set a certain capacity. This means that a limited number of places is available. This is called 'numerus fixus'.

If the number of students who apply exceeds the number of available places, a selection procedure will take place. The application process therefore differs from that of regular study programmes.

First check with your institution

You need to check with your institution whether the programme of your choice has a numerus fixus. They can also tell you whether you can submit an application through Studielink. Some institutions may want to do their own review first.

15 January application deadline

If you have to apply via Studielink, make sure you do so before 15 January 23:59 hours (CET).

Max 2 applications

For each academic year you can submit an application for a maximum of two numerus fixus programmes. The institution decides how many times you can participate in the selection of a specific programme.

Medicine, Dentistry, Dental hygiene and Physiotherapy programmes are an exception; for these programmes you can only submit one application per programme per academic year. For example; you can’t apply for Medicine at two different universities, but you are allowed to apply for Medicine and Dentistry.

Selection based on ranking number

If the number of students who apply exceeds the number of available places, a selection will take place between 15 January and 15 April. The education institution decides what the selection will look like and will provide you with further information.

Applicants in the selection procedure will receive a ranking number via Studielink on 15 April. This number is determined by the institution, based on their selection criteria. Depending on your ranking number and the number of places available, you may or may not be offered a place.

Places offered

If you are offered a place, you have to accept this place via Studielink within two weeks. If you don’t accept the place within two weeks, your place will be assigned to another student automatically.

If you are not offered a place, there is still a small chance that one or more selected students do not accept their place. These places become available for the next student in line. For example, if there are 100 places available and one of the 100 selected student doesn’t accept, their place will be offered to the person with ranking number 101.

Step-by-step plan numerus fixus programmes (521.8 kB)

No selection needed

Sometimes the number of applicants for a numerus fixus programme is unexpectedly lower than the number of places available. In this case all applicants will be offered a place on 15 April. You do still have to accept this place within 2 weeks via Studielink.


Your institution will send you a notification of acceptance. If you have questions about your acceptance, please contact the institution directly.