Your life outside of university

My name is Mira, and I am in my third year of studying Psychology at the University of Twente. I enjoy my study, but let’s be honest – there is so much more to student life. In this article, I’d like to show you some activities you can engage in to live your life in the Netherlands to the fullest.
Introduction Week
The introduction week is offered in most universities in the Netherlands. At my university, it is called the Kick-In and includes a campus and city tour, group activities, and – most importantly – quality time with your future peers. It is a great opportunity to meet fellow students and get accustomed to your new life.

Once university has started, it’s a great idea to become part of an association. The association for the study of Psychology at my university is Dimensie. Next to the study-related associations, it’s always nice to check out your university’s cultural associations. In my case, I joined a dancing organisation for arabesque dancing, the gymnastics association, and purchased the union card to be able to use the piano rooms. This allows me to take my mind away from my study every once in a while.

Student Jobs
Something else I definitely recommend is getting a student job. I personally have worked for UT Student Report and now write for the campus magazine U-Today. Even if you do not enjoy writing as much, you can become a student assistant and teach younger students, work in the library, or become one of the many necessary secretaries on campus. Not only is having a job fun, but it also allows for an income and looks great on your resume.

The Netherlands is a small country with a developed train system, meaning it is quite easy to commute to different places. This allows you to easily visit beautiful Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, Utrecht, or The Hague, but also enables students to travel to surrounding countries such as Germany and Belgium. Overall, life in the Netherlands guarantees a plethora of fun activities and experiences during your study.